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  • #1127

    Welcome to the Green Labs NL members forum.
    Here, the idea is that you can discuss and converse with like minded colleagues in the scientific community in the Netherlands.
    Please feel free to start new topic chats, pitch in on already ongoing conversations, or just sit back and watch and scribble down all the great ideas!

    We are welcome to suggestions, new resources, creating mini groups within this group to zone in on a particular topic.
    This forum is for you and this community so please use it to the best of your ability to foster the sustainable science movement.

    All the best,
    The Green Labs NL Team


    Please let us know a little about you when you join
    Who are you?
    Where do you work?
    What motivates you to join the Green labs NL community?
    What is going on at your own institute/place of work to promote sustainability in labs?


    Hi all!

    Who are you?
    Aimée de Croon, 23, MSc student biomedical sciences at Radboud University, Nijmegen.
    Where do you work?
    I do not yet work in science or the healthcare sector, but of course I plan to once I graduate.
    What motivates you to join the Green labs NL community?
    I have been interested in sustainability in health care for some time now, and want to get more involved in making biomedical sciences sustainable as well.
    What is going on at your own institute/place of work to promote sustainability in labs?
    That one of the things I would like to learn more about!

    Kind regards,

    Janneke ElzingaJanneke Elzinga

    Who are you?
    Janneke, a PhD candidate at Wageningen Universty & Research

    Where do you work?
    Laboratory of Microbiology at WUR

    What motivates you to join the Green labs NL community?
    I want to improve sustainability in the labs & I think it’s best to do this by combining efforts on (inter)national levels instead of re-inventing the wheel!

    What is going on at your own institute/place of work to promote sustainability in labs?
    In general, WUR is a sustainability-minded university. Additionally, we have an active Green Impact community which aims to improve sustainability in different aspects of work. I’m involved in the team from my own building, which focuses more particular on the sustainability in labs.


    Hi Janneke,

    That sounds great, If you are interested in showcasing some of the things you do at WUR at our next meeting in October, please do get in contact!


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